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Izzy found herself a home among a criminal outfit known as Los Sombra Lobos. A pack of shapeshifters themselves, they taught Izzy to shift into the form of a wolf, and over the years with the pack she fought her way up the ranks to a place of respect, if not power. The leader, Carlito took her in and showed her the way of their world. He trained her to be fiercely loyal, and there was some who thought Izzy would take over when Carlito could no longer control the pack. Over time, she earned a reputation for being fearless, heartless, and savage when it came to matters of business. Rival gangs found it easier to follow her rather than oppose her. 

In shapeshift form, Izzy is a wolf on the smaller side, with dark black fur and bright brown eyes. She's mean, and quick, and far more aggressive than most give her credit for.

Other skills: She's a decent hand-to-hand fighter, and trained with firearms. 

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