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Evie has always had a knack for magic. While she is adept in most forms of magic, she excels particularly in evocation, and tends to lean into terromancy, with a particular affinity for manipulating the gravitational fields of Earth.


Lately her studies have turned more towards the arts of Alchemy under the tutelage of her adoptive father Gerard Moreau, who is known to the White Council to be among the world's best alchemists. 


Her Fae heritage grants her speed, agility, strength, and grace. Her father, the Erlking, passed on some of his own gifts as well, including the ability to draw upon the power of the Wild Hunt, and lead it, if need be.


Gerard, as a former Warden, saw to it that she was trained in modern weapons and forms of combat, as well as sword fighting.  


Due to an unfortunate Halloween, Evie's hands were badly damaged, along with her spirit. This has left her less than capable than she is used to, magic not coming so easily to her anymore. It is indeed now a rare thing to see Evie Moreau casting minor spells, much less wielding the power that she can feel but not really touch.


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